Last weekend I scrapped instead of adding to the I got a few of the more difficult pages done. Not difficult in terms of subject matter, just difficult in that there were odd photos, they didn't match etc. Solution was to concentrate on putting them in, and using bright multi coloured papers to go with them.
First up......the NAB Bank Staff Ball 1997....good night, great friends!
Followed by random photos...of things that were significant in 1997 and 1998 (aside from those with the ex in them)
And then fist big trip to Europe (which I have 2 very full photo albums for already)
and the NAB Bank Ball 1999....
End of 1999 spent visiting good friends before I moved to the UK....
The start of my big in Boston, winters day in London (again...another 2 full albums for that time away)
And the Cambridge Xmas Party 2000....those were the days....
Top right is me and my now the last 12 years we have lots of photos of our time together.....pages from here in will just be snippets of the really big moments!
I love them Amanda, simple and beautiful.