Friday, August 31, 2012

The Story of me

So, I tried to start some "everyday" pages in PL but just wasn't ready.  I think I need to look at some more online material to get some ideas for WHAT to include.  Cause I know my weeks are pretty much the same as the previous one and the same as what the next one will be. 
I decided that the whole idea was to focus on me...and what better way to do that than tell 'The story of me'.  I've always had old photos of me, my friends etc in a photo drawer (they were in an album until that album started looking shabby) so i thought I would start at the beginning....these photos were taken when I was 6 weeks old and are the earliest ones my parent had of me.
 Followed by some photos 'when i was a young girl'.  As you can see, these make a double page....which is how the large majority of my traditional scrapping is done. The 70s have a lot to answer for in terms of clothing, hairstyles etc.

For some favourite photos from my early teenage (ie high school and start of uni) I wanted some bright cheerful colours and again, these are a double page in the album.

Next up.......some fav shots of my parents on the left hand page, and me on the first trip to Oz (this was Newcastle), studying was a big part of life as well. 
And then the 'difficult years'.....I had the red dress made for my 21st.....loved it! The other photos are from my first few years living in with my first hubby....prefer not to include them but I love me in the photos....and that part of my life won't be erased...and I wouldnt have taken the paths that I have taken if that hadn't been what it was.

So, that't the first 23 years of my life covered........lots more to come!

1 comment :

  1. You have made great progress on this Amanda. Well done. Beautiful/
